Saturday, March 22, 2008

The New Tattoo Touch Up

I wanted to write a follow up on my friend, Oliver Freeman, who got a tattoo done by an independent tattoo artist on February 16.

A few weeks ago Freeman quit the Shawn Anthony Magic Present Mystified tour where he met his artist, Erica Aragon. She too has recently left the tour and headed back to Florida.

Freeman said he would either have to pay to get it touched up in Northern Virginia or travel down to Florida to have it done for free.

Freeman has found a few holes in the solid black ink in his tattoo. Also, some of the outlining might need some touch up.

Tattoo artists typically include the first touch up visit following the two to four week healing process. After healing, most tattoos need some touch up work.
“This is especially true in the case of designs that have a large area of one solid color, particularly black,” says Gimme Ink Tattoo Studios in New York.

“When filling in solid areas of color it is very easy to miss a few spots since light spots are hard to see before healed. After two weeks, you'll notice right away if there are any obvious areas that need to be touched up.”

Sadly this follow up on independent tattoo artists doesn’t answer some key questions:

  • How safe is an independent artist?

  • How do their traveling skills differ from shop artists?

  • How do they maintain their legality and/or shop affiliation?

Related Articles and Links:

Care of Permanent Cosmetics & Makeup

Tattoo Aftercare

Tattoo Aftercare Aids